About Me

Hello, and welcome to my website! I am Angana Borah, a second-year Computer Science and Engineering Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, advised by Prof. Rada Mihalcea. Prior to this, I completed my master’s in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. My research interests are in Natural Language Processing, specifically in fairness and bias mitigation, multilingualism, interpretability, and healthcare applications of NLP.

During my master’s, I was a research intern at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence in the Language Technology and Multilingualism group and Universität des Saarlandes under Dr. Josef van Genabith and Dr. Cristina España Bonet, where I worked on problems related to translationese, multilingualism and explainability of neural models in translation (or related) tasks.

Since the summer of 2022, I have been working as a research intern at the Pennebaker Language Lab under the guidance of Dr. James W. Pennebaker on natural language understanding in social media. Prior to my master’s, I worked at Microsoft for a year after completing my Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Silchar. During my Bachelors, I worked under the guidance of Dr. Badal Soni on Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems and Dr. Ripon Patgiri on Bloom Filters in Named Data Networking. I also worked on representational learning and fairness under the guidance of Dr. Amit Awekar in IIT Guwahati.

For more information, here’s the link to my updated CV!


Here’s what I have been upto lately:

@ Jan 22, 2025: Our paper “The Power of Many: Multi-Agent Multimodal Models for Cultural Image Captioning” has been accepted to NAACL 2025 (Main). Details coming soon!

@ Jan 13, 2025: I recently achieved my candidancy after completing all requirements including passing the preliminary examination!

@ Dec 20, 2024: Our paper “Why AI Is WEIRD and Should Not Be This Way: Towards AI For Everyone, With Everyone, By Everyone” has been accepted at the AAAI 2025 Senior Member Presentation Track.

@ Dec 16, 2024: I gave a talk on Natural Language Processing, and career opportunities in computer science at the Computer Science Honor Society at Eastlake High School in Seattle, Washington. Interacting with high school students and witnessing their enthusiasm for NLP was inspiring.

@ Nov 6, 2024: Our proposal for the 4th Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact has been accepted to ACL 2025. More details on the website.

@ Oct 24, 2024: I was on a panel discussing “The Ups and Downs of PhD” in the EECS 601: “Intro to Grad Studies” class at the University of Michigan.

@ Sep 20, 2024: Our paper “Towards detection and mitigation of Implicit Biases in Multi-Agent LLM Interactions”, in collaboration with my advisor, Dr. Rada Mihalcea has been accepted to EMNLP 2024 Findings. See you in Miami!

@ Sep 9, 2024: Our paper “Application Specific Compression of Deep Learning Models” got accepted to the ACM IKDD CoDS COMAD 2024 conference.

@ Jun 23, 2024: Preprint of our work: Towards Region-aware Bias Evaluation Metrics available online here!

@ Apr 29, 2024: Gave a talk about our work on ‘Cross-Cultural NLP’ at the UMich x MBZUAI Workshop.

Apr 15-16, 2024: Presented our work on cross-cultural bias evaluation at Midwest Speech and Language Days, 2024.

Sep 26, 2023: Gave a talk about my work on understanding spurious correlations in translationese classification at the DFKI MLT (German Research Centre for AI’s Multilingual Technologies Group) meeting.

Sep 5, 2023: Presented our paper Measuring Spurious Correlation in Classification: ‘Clever Hans’ in Translationese at the Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP ‘23) conference in Varna, Bulgaria.

Aug 28, 2023: Started my PhD at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Go Blue!!

Jun 15, 2023: Working on model compression in biomedical NLP, and how it affects downstream tasks like fairness this summer with Dr. Amit Awekar at IIT Guwahati, India

May 5, 2023: Graduated from Georgia Tech with a master’s in Computer Science (Machine Learning specialization).drawing

Apr 20-24, 2023: Attended my first PyCon at Salt Lake City, Utah (awarded a full travel and attendee grant), and gave a talk about “Approaches to Fairness and Bias Mitigation in NLP” (Talk Link!)

Aug 15, 2022: Started my fall internship at DFKI and Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany under the guidance of Prof. Josef van Genabith and Dr. Cristina Expaña Bonet. Worked on the problem of translationese, multilingualism, and interpretability of neural networks.

May 20, 2022: Spent my summer at the Language Lab in UT Austin under the guidance of Prof. James W Pennebaker, wherein I worked on understanding the language used in social media pertaining to drugs and using computational techniques to determine changes over time.

Aug 30 - Sep 2, 2021: Presented our paper “Are Word Embedding Methods Stable and Should We Care About It?” at the 2021 ACM Hypertext and Social Media conference. (Paper Link!)

Aug 23, 2021: Started my master’s at Georgia Tech. Go Jackets!!!

Aug 6, 2021: Last day at Microsoft to pursue further studies. Grateful to my entire team for a wonderful year, wherein I got to learn a lot about Cloud, AI, and customer success.

Jun 7, 2021: Our survey paper “A survey on the roles of Bloom Filter in implementation of the Named Data Networking” got accepted to the Elsevier Computer Networks Journal (Paper Link!).

Feb 23, 2021: Awarded the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) achievement award in my segment for developing an American Sign Language translator using Microsoft Azure Services with my colleagues.

May 27, 2020: Started working at Microsoft as a Technical Account Manager, my first corporate stint!

May 20, 2020: Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Silchar. drawing

Apr 21, 2020: Completed my under-graduate thesis on Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems under the guidance of Prof. Badal Soni at NIT Silchar.

Apr 21, 2020: Our paper “KTRICT: A KAZE Feature Extraction, Tree and Random Projection Indexing-Based CBIR Technique” got accepted to the International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM). (Paper link!)